It’s not just us, right? This winter season feels a bit lacking with heavy hitters. Maybe it’s because last winter brought in a good number of excellent shows, but this time around, we only have a few to mention with a lot of shows leaving us with little or nothing to say. Well, in spite of that, we also have a lengthy banter-fest over the 2019 Crunchyroll Anime Awards nominees, play some catchup with some upcoming home video releases, give a few words about the long-awaited Konosuba dub, and even give some choice words about the past month of changes for Toonami.
It goes without saying at this point, but this is, in fact, an EXPLICIT podcast filled with strong adult language. Blame Andy for his sailor mouth.
3:43 – Crunchyroll Anime Awards nominees
39:54 – Konosuba dub thoughts
42:14 – Toonami changes and updates
49:48 – A Silent Voice western home video release FINALLY coming
51:40 – March/April home video releases (Funimation, GKIDS, Sentai)
1:06:11-end – Winter 2019 samplings
Additional audio from:
The Rising of the Shield Hero OP
“Enter Sandman” – Metallica
Apple Podcasts – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcastona/id1348141210?mt=2
Google Play – https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Iji4s3v2zmahjgokqsmevbojno4
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzheC8DKa8jmlSHSNBcEYwA
Where to find us:
Alex – @AuraOfAzure
Andy – @MangaMan9000, youtube.com/DubTalk
Duelist – @HeartofSword75, youtube.com/DuelistG
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